All surfing photos are available as:
- High res digital image for home records (images are personal use only)
- Signed prints and canvas
- Framed prints and custom framed sequence prints
- New oval print and plywood frame, with 5 sizes to choose from
Check out pricing tab for prices on prints and how to order
1 - $50
2 - $80
3 - $110
4 -$130
5 - $150
7 - $200
10 - $280
10 + - After 10 each additinoal image is $10 per image
High res digital images are suitable for home records and desktop wallpapers. They are not ideal for printing. Personal use only.
BONUS: With any image purchase video will be added in as an extra. (If video available)
*Not all the photos make it up to the website so send me a msg and ill check to see i haven't missed any of you.
Method one:
Create a account (person icon top right hand corner) then add all desired images to your favourites. Once happy with your selection send me a email then i will access your favourites and export images to send across to you via a DropBox link (no loss of quality sending via DropBox)
Method two:
Choose your desired selection of images then send me a email with the file numbers and the folder date then i will export the images and send across to you via a DropBox link (no loss of quality sending via DropBox)
When you email across your selection ill email you back with a confirmation of images and price with bank details
Surf Packages
Each package includes private water photographer capturing your surf session during a 1 to 2 hours
Single (1 surfer)
Twin (2 surfers)
Thruster (3 surfers)
Quad (4 surfers)
Packages include color correct images
Single - up to 10 images
Twin - up to 15 images
Thruster - up to 20 images
Quad - up to 25 images
After your session, you can view and select your preferred images online in a private gallery
Surf breaks around Torquay and surrounding Surfcoast area of your choice but additional fee may occur if traveling outside the Surfcoast
This is all down to person preference. Dawn or dusk for nice light and colour or sunny midday are ideal conditions. Photographed surfing duration of 1-2 hours
All footage that’s captured during the shoot is filmed on an iPhone X. All raw video clips are included when purchased video in package. Note photos are priority unless requested otherwise
Contact me if interested for prices and availability